Need a few tips that can help boost your fuel for organizing? Other than an extra cup of coffee that below for a few things that has helped me along my organizing journey.
Trust the process
I know it's not easy starting something as daunting as fully organizing a room. However, once you find the right method for organizing you can at least have a game plan in mind. The most important thing is to work through it and have it finished (or all of the important things at least) ASAP. You do not want to pause on it for a couple of days because things can always come up, and before you know it you have to start all over again. So it is vital to understand how you wish to organize in the first place, have some sort of checklist, and have a time frame in mind of when it needs to be finished. As long as you find yourself working on it every day you are progressing to your goal, and I promise you it will be worth it when you get there. Try to start first thing in the morning, take a mental break when you need to (constantly deciding on what to do with each item can be taxing), enjoy a cup of whatever keeps you going, turn that music up, and get to that finish line!
Resources I use
Here are the links to the books that initially inspired me by Marie Kondo. Of course, I don't expect you to buy them, but you can read reviews for yourself and see what the KonMarie method is all about.